30 Days of Sex Talks for Ages 8-11: Empowering Your Child with Knowledge of Sexual Intimacy (Volume 2) info
The most meaningful discussions you will have with your child—made easy! This book contains downloadable, bonus content! Included with this book is a code that will allow you to download topic cards which can be printed and placed in strategic locations, such as a mirror, refrigerator or in your pocket, to remind you and your child to start talking! Written by parents and reviewed by professionals, the 30 Days of Sex Talks program makes it simple for you to discuss love, sex, changing bodies, as well as address dangerous messages from the media and various online sources. This book contains 30 topics for discussion including: puberty, curiosity, self-worth, and intimate relationships. These topics can be used to start important dialogue with your child while allowing you to interject your feelings, thoughts, and cultural beliefs. You and your child can talk about sex in the context in which it belongs; as part of a healthy relationship that also includes joy, laughter and the full r