Review for Sales & Marketing Resumes for 0,000 Careers : This book is incredible, I have never been so frightened reading a book and yet so riveted that I couldn't stop reading. I loved this book. It grabbed me from the first page and I had trouble putting it down. Read it, you won't be disappointed.
Sales & Marketing Resumes for 0,000 Careers info
A collection of 140 annotated resumes and a dozen corresponding cover letters written especially for top salespeople, and managers and executives in marketing, product management, marketing communication, and sales. All resumes were written by professional resume writers who have been awarded the Master Resume Writers designation from the Career Management Alliance-the cream of the crop. The book also gives extensive advice on writing and polishing a powerful resume, writing cover letters, managing your job search, and using marketing and sales strategies to sell yourself into a 0,000 job. Also includes specific insights from recruiters, human resources personnel and hiring managers.